ERIC Identifier: ED465375
Publication Date: 2002-06-00
Author: Kasowitz-Scheer, Abby - Pasqualoni, Michael
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY.
Learning and Teaching Information Technology--Computer Skills in Context. ERIC Digest.
There is clear and widespread agreement among the public and educators that all students need to be proficient computer users or "computer literate." However, while districts are spending a great deal of money on technology, there seems to be only a vague notion of what computer literacy really means. Can the student who operates a computer well enough to play a game, send e-mail or surf the Web be considered computer literate? Will a student who uses computers in school only for running tutorials or an integrated learning system have the skills necessary to survive in our society? Will the ability to do basic word processing be sufficient for students entering the workplace or post-secondary education?
Clearly not. In too many schools, teachers and students still use computers only as the equivalent of expensive flash cards, electronic worksheets, or as little more than a typewriter. The productivity side of computer use in the general content area curriculum is neglected or grossly underdeveloped (Moursund, 1995).
Recent publications by educational associations are advocating for a more meaningful use of technology in schools (ISTE, 2000). Educational technologists are clearly describing what students should know and be able to do with technology. They are advocating integrating computer skills into the content areas, proclaiming that computer skills should not be taught in isolation and that separate "computer classes" do not really help students learn to apply computer skills in meaningful ways. There is increasing recognition that the end result of computer literacy is not knowing how to operate computers, but to use technology as a tool for organization, communication, research, and problem solving. This is an important shift in approach and emphasis.
Moving from teaching isolated technology skills to an integrated approach is an important step that takes a great deal of planning and effort. Fortunately, we have a model for doing so. Over the past 25 years, library media professionals have worked hard to move from teaching isolated "library skills" to teaching integrated "information skills." They found that information skills can be integrated effectively when the skills (1) directly relate to the content area curriculum and to classroom assignments, and (2) are tied together in a logical and systematic information process model.
Schools seeking to move from isolated information technology skills instruction will also need to focus on both of these requirements. Successful integrated information skills programs are designed around collaborative projects jointly planned and taught by teachers and library media professionals. Information technology skills instruction can and should be imbedded in such a curriculum. Library media specialists, computer teachers, and classroom teachers need to work together to develop units and lessons that will include both technology skills, information skills, and content-area curriculum outcomes.
A meaningful, unified information technology literacy curriculum must be more than a "laundry list" of isolated skills, such as knowing the parts of the computer, writing drafts and final products with a word processor, and searching for information using the World Wide Web.
While these specific skills are important for students to learn, the "laundry list" approach does not provide an adequate model for students to transfer and apply skills from situation to situation. These curricula address the "how" of computer use, but rarely the "when" or "why." Students may learn isolated skills and tools, but they would still lack an understanding of how those various skills fit together to solve problems and complete tasks. Students need to be able to use computers and other technologies flexibly, creatively and purposefully. All learners should be able to recognize what they need to accomplish, determine whether a computer will help them to do so, and then be able to use the computer as part of the process of accomplishing their task. Individual computer skills take on a new meaning when they are integrated within this type of information problem-solving process, and students develop true "information technology literacy" because they have genuinely applied various information technology skills as part of the learning process.
The curriculum outlined on pages 2-3 of this ERIC Digest, "Technology Skills for Information Problem Solving," demonstrates how technology literacy skills can fit within an information literacy skills context (American Association of School Librarians, 1998). The baseline information literacy context is the Big6 process (see sidebar and Eisenberg & Berkowitz, 1988, 1992, 1999, 2000). The various technology skills are adapted from the International Society for Technology in Education's National Educational Technology Standards for Students (2000) and the Mankato Schools Information Literacy Curriculum Guideline. Students might reasonably be expected to authentically demonstrate these basic computer skills before graduation.
Some technology literacy competencies that may be relevant in some situations include: (1) knowing the basic operation, terminology, and maintenance of equipment, (2) knowing how to use computer-assisted instructional programs, (3) having knowledge of the impact of technology on careers, society, and culture (as a direct instructional objective), and (4) computer programming.
Defining and describing technology skills is only a first step in assuring all our children become proficient information and technology users. A teacher-supported scope and sequence of skills, well designed projects, and effective assessments are also critical. Equally essential is collaboration among classroom teachers, teacher librarians, and technology teachers in order to present students with a unified and integrated approach to ensure that all children master the skills they will need to thrive in an information rich future (Eisenberg & Lowe, 1999).
A Curriculum Based on the Big6 Skills Approach(c) Michael B.
Eisenberg, Doug Johnson and Robert E. Berkowitz Permission is
granted for educational use or reprint of all or parts of this
curriculum as long as the authors are properly and prominently
The first part in the information problem-solving process involves recognizing that an information need exists, defining the problem, and identifying the types and amount of information needed. In terms of technology, students will be able to:
A. Communicate with teachers regarding assignments,
tasks, and information problems using e-mail; online
discussions (e.g., listservs, threaded Web-based discussions,
newsgroups); real-time communications (e.g., instant messaging
services, chat rooms, IP telephony); desktop teleconferencing; and
groupware on the Internet, intranets, and local area networks.
Generate topics, define problems, and facilitate cooperative
activities among groups of students locally and globally using
e-mail, online discussions, real-time communications, desktop
teleconferencing, and groupware on the Internet and local area
C. Generate topics, define problems, and facilitate
cooperative activities with subject area experts locally and
globally using e-mail, online discussions, real-time communications,
desktop teleconferencing, and groupware on the Internet and local
area networks.
D. Define or refine the information problem using
computerized graphic organization, brainstorming or idea generating
software. This includes developing a research question or
perspective on a topic.
Once the information problem has been formulated, the student must consider all possible information sources and develop a plan for searching. Students will be able to:
A. Assess the value of
various types of electronic resources for data gathering, including
databases, CD-ROM resources, commercial and Internet online
resources, electronic reference works, community and government
information electronic resources.
B. Assess the need for and
value of primary resources including interviews, surveys,
experiments, and documents that are accessible through electronic
C. Identify and apply specific criteria for evaluating
computerized electronic resources.
D. Identify and apply specific
criteria for constructing meaningful original data gathering tools
such as online surveys, electronic interviews, or scientific data
gathering tools such as probes, meters, and timers.
E. Assess the
value of e-mail, online discussions, real-time communications,
desktop teleconferencing, and groupware on the Internet and local
area networks as part of a search of the current literature or in
relation to the information task.
F. Use a computer to generate
modifiable flow charts, time lines, organizational charts, project
plans (such as Gantt charts), and calendars which will help the
student plan and organize complex or group information
problem-solving tasks.
G. Use handheld devices such as personal
digital assistants (PDAs), electronic slates or tablet PCs to track
contacts and create to-do lists and schedules.
After students determine their priorities for information seeking, they must locate information from a variety of resources and access specific information found within individual resources. Students will be able to:
A. Locate and use appropriate computer
resources and technologies available within the school library media
center, including those on the library media center's local area
network (e.g., online catalogs, periodical indexes, full-text
sources, multimedia computer stations, CD-ROM stations, online
terminals, scanners, digital cameras).
B. Locate and use
appropriate computer resources and technologies available throughout
the school including those available through intranets or local area
networks (e.g., full-text resources, CD-ROMs, productivity software,
scanners, digital cameras).
C. Locate and use appropriate
computer resources and technologies available beyond the school
through the Internet (e.g., newsgroups, listservs, WWW sites, ftp
sites, online public access library catalogs, commercial databases
and online services, and other community, academic, and government
D. Know the roles and computer expertise of the
people working in the school library media center and elsewhere who
might provide information or assistance.
E. Use electronic
reference materials (e.g., electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries,
biographical reference sources, atlases, geographic databanks,
thesauri, almanacs, fact books) available through intranets or local
area networks, stand-alone workstations, commercial online vendors,
or the Internet.
F. Use the Internet or commercial computer
networks to contact experts and help and referral services.
Conduct self-initiated electronic surveys through e-mail, listservs,
newsgroups and online data collection tools.
H. Use
organizational systems and tools specific to electronic information
sources that assist in finding specific and general
information (e.g., indexes, tables of contents, user's instructions
and manuals, legends, boldface and italics, graphic clues and icons,
cross-references, Boolean logic strategies, time lines, hypertext
links, knowledge trees, URLs, etc.) including the use of:
1. Search tools and commands for stand-alone, CD-ROM, networked or Web-based online databases and services;
2. Search tools and commands for searching the Internet, such as search engines, meta search tools, bots, directories, jump pages, and specialized resources such as those that search the Invisible Web;
3. Specialized sites and search tool commands that limit searches by date, location, format, collection of evaluated sites or other criteria.
After finding potentially useful resources, students must engage (read, view, listen) the information to determine its relevance and then extract the relevant information. Students will be able to:
A. Connect and operate the
computer technology needed to access information, and read the
guides and manuals associated with such tasks.
B. Know and be
able to use the software and hardware needed to view, download,
decompress and open documents, files, and programs from Internet
sites and archives.
C. Copy and paste information from an
electronic source into a personal document complete with proper
D. Take notes and outline with a word processor,
database, presentation or similar productivity program.
E. Record
electronic sources of information and locations of those sources in
order to properly cite and credit sources in footnotes, endnotes,
and bibliographies.
F. Use electronic spreadsheets, databases,
and statistical software to process and analyze statistical
G. Analyze and filter electronic information in relation to
the task, rejecting information that is not relevant.
H. Save and
backup data gathered to secure locations (floppy disk, personal hard
drive space, RW-CD, online storage, flash memory, etc.)
Students must organize and communicate the results of the information problem-solving effort. Students will be able to:
A. Classify and group information using a word processor,
database or spreadsheet.
B. Use word processing and desktop
publishing software to create printed documents, applying keyboard
skills equivalent to at least twice the rate of handwriting
C. Create and use computer-generated graphics and art in
various print and electronic presentations.
D. Use electronic
spreadsheet software to create original spreadsheets.
E. Generate
charts, tables and graphs using electronic spreadsheets and other
graphing programs.
F. Use database software to create original
G. Use presentation software to create electronic
slide shows and to generate overhead transparencies and
H. Create and use projection devices to show hypermedia
and multimedia productions with digital video, audio and links to
HTML documents or other programs. Convert presentations for display
as Web pages.
I. Create Web pages and sites using hypertext markup
language (HTML) in a text document or using Web page creation tools
and know the procedure for having these pages loaded to a Web
J. Use e-mail, ftp, groupware, and other
telecommunications capabilities to publish the results of the
information problem-solving activity.
K. Use specialized computer
applications as appropriate for specific tasks, e.g., music
composition software, computer-assisted drawing and drafting
programs, mathematics modeling software, scientific measurement
instruments, etc.
L. Properly cite and credit electronic
sources (text, graphics, sound and video) of information within the
product as well as in footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies.
Evaluation focuses on how well the final product meets the original task (effectiveness) and the process of how well students carried out the information problem-solving process (efficiency). Students may evaluate their own work and process or be evaluated by others (i.e., classmates, teachers, library media staff, parents). Students will be able to:
Evaluate electronic presentations in terms of the content and format
and design self-assessment tools to help them evaluate their own
work for both content and format.
B. Use spell and grammar
checking capabilities of word processing and other software to edit
and revise their work.
C. Apply legal principles and ethical
conduct related to information technology related to copyright and
D. Understand and abide by telecomputing etiquette
when using e-mail, newsgroups, listservs and other Internet
E. Understand and abide by acceptable use policies and
other school rules in relation to use of the Internet and other
electronic technologies.
F. Use e-mail, real-time
communications (e.g., listservs, newsgroups, instant messaging
services, chat rooms, IP telephony) desktop teleconferencing, and
groupware on the Internet and local area networks to communicate
with teachers and others regarding their performance on assignments,
tasks, and information problems.
G. Thoughtfully reflect on the
use of electronic resources and tools throughout the process.
(c) Eisenberg and Berkowitz 1987
1. Task
1.1 Define the task (the information problem).
Identify information needed in order to complete the task (to solve
the information problem).
2. Information Seeking Strategies
Brainstorm all possible sources.
2.2 Select the best
3. Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources.
3.2 Find
information within the sources.
4. Use of Information
4.1 Engage
in the source (read, hear, view, touch).
4.2 Extract relevant
5. Synthesis
5.1 Organize information from
multiple sources.
5.2 Present the information.
6.1 Judge the process (efficiency).
6.2 Judge the
product (effectiveness).
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Michael B. Eisenberg is Dean and Professor, University of Washington Information School. Doug Johnson is Director of Media and Technology, Mankato Public Schools, Mankato, Minnesota.
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Title: Learning and Teaching Information Technology--Computer Skills in Context. ERIC Digest.
Document Type: Information Analyses---ERIC Information Analysis Products (IAPs) (071); Information Analyses---ERIC Digests (Selected) in Full Text (073);
Available From: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology, Syracuse University, 621 Skytop Rd., Suite 160, Syracuse, NY 13244-5290. Tel: 315-443-3640; Tel: 800-464-9107 (Toll Free); Fax: 315-443-5448; e-mail:; Web site: For full text:
Descriptors: Computer Uses in Education, Curriculum Development, Educational Technology, Elementary Secondary Education, Information Literacy, Information Skills, Instructional Design, Instructional Development, Problem Solving, Technology Integration
Identifiers: Big Six, ERIC Digests